Hello Divine Soul xx
Can you believe in 20 days it marks the middle of the 2021! We will be 1/2 way through this year. HOLY CHEESES.
My bestie Fleetwood and i are coming together to create our midyear manifesto VISION BOARDS
This is an invitation to join us in creating yours - heres why…
A vision board is a representation of your goals. They can be poster sized, door sized (a mate of mine created an epic one on the back of an old door once) or digital (another great pal creates stunning vision boards in Pinterest and gets it printed out at Officeworks) I prefer to grab a piece of poster card and get printing and cutting and sticking. Words, images and essences I’m desiring to capture for the next chapter of my life. It’s all about crafting something that will inspire you, light you up.
I’ve been creating vision boards since i was 10 - no BS. And I’ve lived a pretty epic life AND i have so much more I desire to be, do and have in this one precious life.
As an added bonus it just so happens that the opening ceremony on June 10th will encapsulate the powerful energy of the Gemini Solar Eclipse.
This powerful energy is the perfect time to reflect and project.
It’s a time to step up and see from a new perspective.
Whatever that needs to happen during eclipse season will happen fast so and is always something that was bound to happen eventually. It is part of your destiny. The eclipse simply brings the inevitable. It’s best to stop resisting, accept all that is and flow with change to welcome positive abundance in all areas of your life. Embracing new responsibilities and possibilities. - ref ALYONNA ANGELICA
So we kick off at 8pm June 10th and we wrap up on July 1st with our sparkly new vision boards.
There will be 3x masterclasses + some pop up lives
We are constantly growing and evolving and our vision boards help us walk right into the life we desire.
Because where attention goes energy flows.
In this 3 part masterclass I’ll go into why vision boards are so powerful, my personal story of Me made manifest over the years & I’ll share the science based evidence as to why having a VB ROCKS.
I have 2 facts that I can’t wait to share about the way I create my VISION BOARD & how most things get ticked off - it’s so epic.
Over the years I have attended game changing vision board seminars that have taught me more magic around our subconscious mind and our desires, what helps things come to fruition and how to decipher what YOUR subconscious mind is saying about how YOU create your vision board.
There is meaning behind where your subconscious sticks each piccy & the position on the board.
Fleety (who is a trained Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner) is going to take us on a symbolic journey - a meditation - into our desires. SO POWERFUL. I have these sessions monthly and they are epic.
It’s really bloody cool
What we visualise we actualise
Energy flows where attention goes
We are super excited xx
Link is here
Love Sez xxx